Friday, March 25, 2011

Back in Spain again

Hi there -
We've been back a week now and just getting organised.

One of the nicest things has been to eat the oranges off our own trees this year - so very sweet and moist. The mandarins also have been very tasty, as have the limequats.

So it's getting on with setting out and planting our herbs for the upcoming courses- so far we have curly and Italian parsley, chives, Asian and green basil, and two sorts of mint. The Coriander has self seeded from last year, and the thyme, tarragon and oregano have had to be well cut back. We also bought 2 cherry and one nectarine trees, as well a lovely bougainvillea and jasmine.


So, we're starting to get organised a bit before we are go for a week's holiday to Toledo, Merida and Sevilla, then back on Sunday April 2, when we shall get back to a major Spring clean and painting. Such is life

Love to all

Lari and Mike.